Objectives by Policy Dimensions
Find a concrete policy instrument by browsing through different research inspired policy dimensions and development objectives
Policy ObjectiveGender equality36 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveImproved living and working conditions14 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveDevelopment of young farmers13 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveDialogue and mutual understanding13 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveProtect minorities and vulnerable groups16 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveEase farm transfer between generations8 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveReduced risk of accidents and improved farm safety4 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveProtect against health risks9 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveEmployment in rural areas23 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveAccess to land or rights of land use6 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveSecure old-age provision2 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveEqual access to productive resources9 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveIncome and purchasing power in rural areas40 Instruments
Policy ObjectiveFood and nutrition security34 Instruments